Many traditional, established companies still view social media as a fad, a fad especially for young people. That is the reason that they do not put a high priority on the application in their daily operations.

This can be a costly mistake.
The number of users in platforms like Facebook and Twitter is huge and it keeps on growing.
One of the major areas of discussion is (customer) service. People share their experiences online. Actually,  satisfied customers tell three friends and angry customers tell three thousand (source: Pete Blackshaw). Customer service is also the main reason people switch brands across every major industry (source: Accenture).

Key drivers of satisfaction (in customer service) are polite and friendly representatives, resolution of issues in a timely manner, whether customer service agents take responsibility for resolving issues, and the convenience of service representative’s availability.

So, social media becomes a sort of early warning system. Is something being discussed about my products or services of which I need to be aware and take action?! More and more people use social media BEFORE they are calling a helpdesk, or try to get on-site support.

Given the impact and speed of bad news, it is crucial for any customer service department to ongoing monitor social media and act decisively and maybe even pro-actively.

Social media is no longer a ‘nice to have’; it is a must for every organization that is serious about proving great service to their customers and prospects.


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